
© P. Fridrich

Albert Street – pedagogical garden

Albert Street – pedagogical garden

This is piece of land of  30 ares, owned by the city of Brussels and Infrabel. It is a green pedagogical space  accessible for all (schools, résidents, associations and businnesses). It is a naturel garden which aime at enriching the biodiversity by favouring local faune and flore. It is also a cousu garden where résidents  meet and sure their ideas.

It is open to the public each 3rd Sunday of the month (10-13h). Guided walks are organised by Laeken Découverte. Access can also be organised on demand. Contact person : Georgette Van Hees & Jean Louis Smeyers, 26 rue Jan Bollen à 1020 Bruxelles, – Tel 02/428.75.27


At the corner of Albert Street and Palais Outre-Ponts Street, 1020 Laeken
Coordinates: 50.8753375, 4.360382500000014

Albert Street – pedagogical garden